Legislature(1997 - 1998)

02/11/1997 01:36 PM House FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  HOUSE BILL NO. 102                                                           
       "An  Act   abolishing  the   Alaska  Medical   Facility                 
       Authority; and providing for an effective date."                        
  Co-Chair Therriault provided members with a memorandum  from                 
  Garrey Peska, dated 2/11/97 (copy on file).                                  
  responded to questions posed by committee members during the                 
  meeting  on   February  10,   1997.     He  clarified   that                 
  municipalities can sell tax exempt revenue bonds for private                 
  non-profit  corporations.     He  added  that  it   is  more                 
  complicated  to  sell  tax exempt  revenue  bonds  through a                 
  municipality  than  through  the   Alaska  Medical  Facility                 
  Authority.   He observed that the maximum tax exempt benefit                 
  is $10.0 million dollars.  He  urged the Committee to retain                 
  the Fund.                                                                    
  Co-Chair Therriault noted that the legislation was  intended                 
  to be non-controversial.   He stated  that since there is  a                 
  group of people that  may exercise this Fund in  the future,                 
  that he would be comfortable holding the bill in Committee.                  
  HB 102 was HELD in Committee for further consideration.                      

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